Because I have sinned against him, I will bear the Lord’s wrath, until he pleads my case and upholds my cause. He will bring me out into the light; I will see his righteousness. Micah 7.9

I printed the letter, signed it and sent it via mail today - copy here for archive purposes.
There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. Luke 12.2
Shalom Avi,
It is 3:57 am, normally not my time to sit down and write, but somehow I woke up and couldn’t stop thinking about our little “situation”, I try my best to explain, as easy as possible, the full scope of where we are at right now and especially the legal framework we are living in. In my last Email I already mentioned the international DUNS and the EU DSGVO Data protection law.
For the US government there are 3 types of “companies”, with a 4 digit Industry Key SIC.
Government (SIC 9111)
Economic Sector (Pays taxes to the Government)
Private Economic Sector (Tax free NGO’s, receive gov grants and subsitisation)
Since 2003, these DUNS are binding for any business with the US government and for classification of legal bodies in the United Nations, the European Union and other organisations.
The legal definition on “who” and “what” is a “person” and “property” was given in the SHAEF laws.
This is very important for everybody to understand that these military rules are still valid in Germany. Since 8.5.1945 Germany is not a sovereign nation and is living under some sort of occupation with a Basic Law since 23.5.1949. Since the 2+4 contract 1990 and then a change into the EU 2010, the legal structure changed in a way, it is impossible to escape to nowhere.
Germany is like Israel, a legal business construct, literally “under” Roman law. Regardless of what anybody thinks, or believes, the Pope is the highest legal authority on this planet and calls the shots.
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. Luke 2.1
From 14.5.1948 - 14.5.2018 I assume, that the Jewish and Democratic State of Israel tagged their home born citizens for tax purposes, like any other country. Once you are a citizen, there shouldn’t be any difference between faith, but very understandable Immigration and Aliyah is preserved only to “certified” members of the Jewish People.
You are to allot it as an inheritance for yourselves and for the foreigners residing among you and who have children. You are to consider them as native-born Israelites; along with you they are to be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. Ezekiel 47.22
As you mentioned in one of the last chats… you have met and observed thousands of individuals, groups, cults, parties and whatnot, but there is indeed just one Ulf.
Unfortunately the view from Jerusalem through the clouds completely distorts the real picture. The Apokalypse is there to wipe away that fog in your mind and spirit.
Please let me short recall: on 25.5.2015 I made one “EPHI-Dat” with my basic data, like birthdays etc. A 2nd presentation “the Eliyah Challenge” I sent only to you and basically never used it again, especially after Sukkot passed and I wasn’t able to get into the country.
I sent Mo and Martin with clear instructions, which were all broken, but didn’t release me from my own personal vows to HaShem I took with the start of my job as Priest of the Order of Melchizedek, when I publicly changed my personal, individual Terms of Service TOS to “Torah and Prophets” under the protection of our basic German Law GG Art. 4, 9, 140 from 25.5.2015 onwards.
Because of my 7 years in Berlin, I lost all permissions, transgressed every tax deadline and caused harm to my family and business partners to the extent of several hundred million dollars. At some point, I thought I was gonna die in the Brazilian dschungel. Every time something was built, it was destroyed.
But I said, “I have labored in vain; I have spent my strength for nothing at all. Yet what is due me is in the Lord’s hand, and my reward is with my God.” And now the Lord says— he who formed me in the womb to be his servant to bring Jacob back to him and gather Israel to himself, for I am[1] honored in the eyes of the Lord and my God has been my strength— he says: “It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.” Isaiah 49.4-6
I cannot come up with this, I just can explain it to you.
9.3.2015 Dr. Jürgen Bühler writes to me, mentioning my upcoming B-Day 25.5.2015 - please check on the validity - but these are 77 days.
Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” Genesis 37.9
9.3.2016 the shadow of the sun eclipse travels over the place I visited 2005 to help tsunami victims in Indonesia, 77 days before my 7*7 B-day 25.5.2016. (on 26.5.2016 the Eu Working Definition on Antisemitism by the IHRA was adopted)
This is what the Lord says— the Redeemer and Holy One of Israel— to him who was despised and abhorred by the nation, to the servant of rulers: “Kings will see you and stand up, princes will see and bow down, because of the Lord, who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you.” Isaiah 49.7
Within that 1st year 9.3.2015 (5775) - 9.3.2016 (5776) Dr. Jürgen Bühler nearly died because of a sudden, aggressive kidney cancer, diagnosed some weeks after you wrote me your letter of recommendation. In the end he lost one kidney.
Before I came to Israel, still in Berlin, I started off with a video testimony on You Tube, you can still watch on my Ephraim Rising TV . On 3.8.2015 I called out the following individuals as brothers before HaShem, since they are the guys running around with the Bible and want to teach the unlearned. Mo and Martin were sitting next to me as witnesses.
Peter Riedel, ehem. Christliches Zentrum Düsseldorf CZD // Died in a Car Accident 1.10.2020
Rudi Pinke, Fathers House FFM
Rolf Piller, Fathers House FFM // Died
Peter Wenz, Gospel Forum Stuttgart
Wolfhard Margis, Gemeinde auf dem Weg
Hans Peter Pache, Lukas Gemeinde Berlin
Rüdiger Sumann, Lukas Gemeinde Berlin
Heinz Kiock, Lukas Gemeinde Berlin
Sven Olaf Heckel, Lukas Gemeinde Berlin
CDU member
Press Secretary Angela Merkel 24.4.2017
Attended Visit Reuven Rivlin in Berlin Bundestag
Wilfried Franz, Rentrop & Deichmann
Willi Stier, Asaph
Jörg Haller, Hannover
Dr. Jürgen Bühler, Director International Christian Embassy Jerusalem // lost kidney
Ludwig Schneider, Israel Heute // Died
Doron Schneider, ICEJ
Wilfried Gotter, Sächsische Israelfreunde
Werner Hartstock, , Sächsische Israelfreunde
Andreas Bauer, Jerusalem Gemeinde
Alfred Aidoo, Düsseldorf
Richard Aidoo, Düsseldorf
Steve Okunola,
came to Israel, converted back and forth who knows what
Turgay Yazar, Ministries // Imprisoned for violent acts
Abdul Memra, MemraTV
Timon Mann, World Wide Wings
Visited you, became Hosea, then who knows what
Naturekrieger23 (Martin),
Norbert Link, Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (Auf Posten Stehen)
Prof. Dr. Walther Veith
Xavier Naidoo, Sohn Zions // Appeared in latest Antisemitism Report of the World Jewish Congress
Oliver Jahnich, Journalist // Appeared in latest Antisemitism Report of the World Jewish Congress
Sabine Zangerle, Gemeinde Kreuzkirche Düsseldorf
Hildegard Schneider, World Wide Wings // Timo Mann former boss
On 29.3.2018 I filed a criminal complaint at the State Prosecutor in Berlin Moabit, which wasn’t answered for 77 days until the 14.6.2018 (happened to be Donald Trump's Birthday and Day 1260 from the first call of Jürgen Bühler 1.1.2015)
Under Case Number 276 Js 773/18 three main individuals were charged:
Senait Diebel *16.7.1970 (married from 24.8.1996 - 23.4.2019)
Renate Diebel *11.3.1943
ON her 77 Bday the CORONA Plandemic started
Dr. Jürgen Bühler & Vesna Bühler
Plus a number of additional individuals, including:
Dr. Sven Olaf Heckel
Rüdiger Sumann
Hans Peter Pache
Richard Aidoo
Ingo Henke
Morris Wink
Martin Ben David Genske
Gottfried Bühler
Peter Wenz
Ingolf Elßel
Jörg Haller
Doron Schneider in Israel
Wayne Hilsden IL
Chuck Cohen, IL
Eliyahu Ben Chaim, IL (Died)
David Parsons, US citizen in Jerusalem
Malcolm Hedding, former director of the ICEJ, now USA
Günther Biergans (On Social Networks)
World Wide wings
McM Endzeitreporter
der kleine Steiner
When the DSGVO became law 25.5.2018 (my 51st) all my stuff, including hundreds of original documents were at the courthouse and for three years before and now nearly three years later...
1Co 6:5 I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers?
With the filing at the court, I informed and sent a petition to the US Embassy and the Israeli Embassy in Berlin 12.4.2018 with all my passports, Tax ID’s etc and gave access to a copy of the court filing, with hundreds of detailed personal individual information.
Since the filing went amongst others also to individuals you are under political immunity and individuals from other jurisdictions were involved, no state prosecutor, lawyer or judge wanted to touch my case, I prepared for 3 full years.
While my papers were at the court, I was forced out of my 8000 square meter EPHI-Zentrum building, which was raided on 25.5.2018 and seized by the city of Iserlohn. Harvey Weinstein, was arrested on this day. Michael Jay Solomon’s son Lee worked for Harvey as COO until 2009 before we moved on to Apollo Management, where just the other day the CEO had to step down for his $158 mio contribution to Jeffrey Epstein.
I met Michael the last time 20.2.2018 in Berlin, which happened to be the 111th Bday of my Grandfather, who had a middle name Jakob. Michael turned 80, 20.1.2018, which was day 1335 from the day the Pope stepped on the Temple Mount.
I do not believe under any circumstances, that the naming of Richard Grenell as acting Director of National Intelligence 20.2.2020 was a coincidence.
Within the greater scheme of things, Michael is a #1 Intelligent target with his widespread Hollywood network. He opened Russia, China and India for the US Movie and TV Industry. In Jerusalem he founded the Sam Spiegel Film School, who was the first to make a new deal with UAE right after the Abraham Accords. For years he sits on the board of a foundation, who works directly with Bill & Melinda Gates on their vaccine junk. He hates Trump and supports Hillary Clinton and the “agenda”. Additionally he created the largest online platform for evangelical content, preaching “the soon return of Jesus” and meets (pure business) John Hagee and Kenneth Copeland.
I kept him for years in the loop, fully knowing that he has absolutely no connection to Torah and lives in a different reality (Just sold his Beverly Hill House, formerly owned by Elvis Presley for $US 25,5 mio).
The “second coming” is a movie production and a legal issue of copyright, regardless of talks about the things I supposedly said, believe or are guilty of. Did I sin against HaShem? YES, absolutely.. This is why I wanted to straighten things out and this is why I came to my Rabbi - to you :) You can look back now over 15 years “declaration of independence” together with Scott Diffenderfer, Ephraim Frank, Gerrit Nell, Yair Davidy and the folks from the US.
The “Word from Jerusalem” and the “Torah from Zion” went out in 2000 for 21 years this 2021 and because I wasn’t able to come back, some ripple effects went all over the world, to counter “the Ephraim Fabe” by key leaders of the ICEJ.
Since 25.5.2018 I collected data on hundreds of individuals and companies and handed in hard core material to the US Administration, my minister of Interior Horst Seehofer and at the end at the tribunal of the congregation of the faith in the Vatican, Rome with a legal claim to Pope Francis to hand over the Kingdom back to Israel.
After a repeated attack in Harsewinkel, where the new EPHI-Zentrum now stands, starting from 29.8.2018 with articles in the local newspapers on our “Endgericht der Apokalypse” a serious incident happened during the last night of passah 27.4.2019 (when the Chabad Synagogue in San Diego was attacked), causing me to leave Harsewinkel, where I was last 25.5.2019 to celebrate my bday with our community.
Passah Sheni 2019 I left Cologne Germany to clear things up in Berlin and elsewhere and ended in Split, Croatia after my revisit at the Vatican November 2019.
Since 1.1.2020 we use a binding TOS “terms of service” for the use of all of our websites, running under the “Ephraim Media Truth” label. This TOS is binding for all EPHI-ID Card owners.
Only with the acceptance of the TOS you can register with identity check of full name, address, Tax number, birth date, eventual church membership and picture and order an EPHI-ID, which is the fully “legal” way to protect the rights of individuals of the Nation of Ephraim.
Holy See - Urbi Et Orbi
Eucharisticum Mysterium from 25.5.1967
Human Fraternity from 4.2.2019
Freedom of Thought, Conscious, Expression and Action
Moto Proprio Aperuit Illis from 30.9.2019
Agreement between the Holy See and the State of Israel from 1993, accepting the UN Resolution 217 “the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”
United Nations
Holy See holds a special seat at the UN
UN Resolution 217
Antonio Guterres receives Theodor Herzl Award 9.11.2020
United States of America
Religious Freedom Act from 27.01.1998
Jerusalem is Capital of Israel
State of Israel
Jewish and Democratic
Agreement between the Holy See and the State of Israel from 1993, accepting the UN Resolution 217 “the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”
Every person signed up with “Ephraim, Priest of the Order of Melchizedek” for the fulfillment of a Jeremiah 31.31-34 NewDeal between us as members of the House of Israel and You the Jewish People as the House of Judah. Each one is instructed to seek peace with Judah wherever they are and to start with a friendly visit to the local Beit Knesset to just say “Hi from Josef”.
Only if somebody has a Card, he is allowed to open up an Ephraim National Gold & Silver Trust account, for the accumulation of gold & silver for the financing of Zion centered businesses. Contracts amongst each other are held by the NGO as registrar, whereas each party agrees to the judgement of the Torah observant arbitrer in case of an issue between signatory partners.
Our businesses operate within 3 main branches.
Self-Governance // Torah observant Israelites, scattered in the world connect best via their own technological solutions - the Alef App (development status) will be the future for self governance of Torah observant Israelite Communities.
Gold & Silver // Preferred location Ariel, Samaria our Trust wants to build a gold and silver coin production and base their central storage facility for up to 1000t silver and 100t gold there.
Media Truth // Education today works best Online. We do it under the label Ephraim Media Truth out of a Torah perspective and a Zion centered vision.
As of now, we have 22 individuals who have a Email address, together with a G-Suite Workspace account to collaborate, research, file, publish, comment and contact prospects for our goal of a “Peace in Zion”.
Within our Organisation, we hold thousands of documents, 1000 YouTube Videos I published and hundreds of real life legal cases, we desperately need help.
The registry for the EPHI-ID was now legally enrolled into the NGO registry in Cologne, where the highest ranking Catholic of Germany is short before his very deep fall. The NGO are 7 great guys, where Hannes Josef Antaszek is Chairman; Juri Nasirow Vice Chair and Hubert Rogon Finance Officer.
The NGO “Erbengemeinschaft Jakob e.V.” is the legal body of all registered EPHI-ID Card holders.
This special interest group of true heirs of Jakob now knows the full Ephraim Story - out of the Torah, the Prophets and out of my incredible awakening Shiurim. It is impossible to put them back to sleep.
Many know you for years now and like me, they love you. I do not know how many packages will arrive in Jerusalem on their own, but we collected close to €2500 in Silver and Cash for you and have it in Cologne and as it seems, there will be more coming.
The payment in Silver is a huge part of the levitical economy with Moses’ approved price list. According to Ezra 7 and our current NGO laws, none of us working for the House of HaShem should pay any taxes or tribute, but receive 5 Tons of Silver out of the king's treasury.
In line with our 3 business branches, the Torah based self governance includes the Torah based currency XAG and XAU, promoted via our various Media Truth channels. It belongs to our state granted religious freedom, where according to our basic law GG Art. 140 all faith based businesses (e.g. Religious Organisation, Church or NGO) organize their themself and their offices, without any interference of the government and/ or the local community (every city is as well a business with a DUNS).
The whole Ephraim & Judah “situation” is an internal Israel family issue of highest importance, due to the wide reaching implications of the return of the Son of Josef.
Like 2015, I wanted to come to talk things over. Things got a bit out of hand, without a change in my first objection. Come to Jerusalem and talk things over.
After some known individuals didn’t react in a timely manner, it is now just incredible more to talk about.
How do you want me to proceed?