On my 22nd wedding anniversary 24.8.2018, we started our "Court of the Apokalypse" as a multimedia event, to finally determine after 1260 days of revelation (1.1.2015 - 14.6.2018), who in the world is responsible for what and who are these talking individuals the Apokalypse describes as the dragon, the beast and the false prophet?
Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. Revelation 16.13
From 29.8.2018 - 31.8.2018 a series of articles appeared in the German SPD owned press, about Juri Nasirow and myself Ulf Diebel, which coincided with the 121. anniversary of Theodor Herzl's first Zionist Congress in Basel, to the day five years ago.
I will bend Judah as I bend my bow and fill it with Ephraim. I will rouse your sons, Zion, against your sons, Greece, and make you like a warrior’s sword. Zechariah 9.13
The motto of this ZionElite.biz blog "The News are Fake - the War is Real" was born out of the experience we had with warmongering journalists, who live off of writing bad stuff about good people to annihilate them.

In our case, the local SPD activist journalist Burghard Hoeltzenbein invented a Conspiracy theory, as can be seen in the picture above, with the goal to eradicate the local business of Juri Nasirow, a well run and profitable fitness club with 600 members.
The EPHI-Zentrum door sign was carried from Iserlohn, to Harsewinkel appeared in the article from 30.8.2018, survived 5 years of relentless attacks against our community and was attached to our new EPHI-Zentrum 24.4.2023 in our new Nation of Ephraim Embassy in Katzrin on the Golan in Israel, to the day six years after we dedicated the 8000 square meter industrial complex of Obere Mühle 28 in Iserlohn on 24.4.2017 as the first and original EPHI-Zentrum of our "Society of Heirs of Jakob".

Of cause it is striking, that on my wedding anniversary another Mug Shot made world headlines. With the Mug Shot above and below, we entered as Elon Musk calls it the "Next-level" and if you stick with the use of acronyms in a widely distributed message, we are very close to the E.N.D.

While DonaldJTrump.com fights Fake News of the Deep State according to a predetermined timetable

UlfDiebel.com fights the Fake News of the Deep Church, which the time table of the prophets of Israel and the book of the Apokalypse.

The claim in the Fake News outlet "Neue Westfälische" and conspiracy theory (c) Burghard Hoeltzenbein was, that Ulf Diebel makes Benjamin Netanjahu responsible his "misery", which is one of these dirty propaganda tricks, Nancy Pelosi calls the "Wrap-Up Smear".
The truth of cause is, that I publicly started on 25.5.2015 as (c) Ephraim, Priest of the Order of Melchizedek, because of an internal issue between myself and Dr. Jürgen Bühler, President of the International Christian Embassy of Jerusalem in connection with my children, who are born in Jerusalem 1999 and 2004 and my wife I married 24.8.1996.

Juergen Buehler, president of the Christian Embassy, told All Israel News that his team hasn’t been told why the Interior Ministry has made this policy change towards ICEJ and other Evangelical groups.
Most likely the ICEJ didn't get the memo, that the Pope already made a deal with the Jewish people, as I pointed out already 22.11.2022 when it happened.

“The situation we face at the moment with the Ministry of Interior is unprecedented,” Buehler said.
Most likely because of these papers here, I pulled out and sent to every government agency and the Pope for constantly 8 years.

“It has made us unable to operate effectively in our mission to stand and support the State of Israel.”

“In particular, our television and media department is affected by the new visa policy which is even more difficult to understand. This is the main arm of the Christian Embassy for ‘hasbara’ [a Hebrew expression meaning public relations], telling good news about Israel and fighting anti-Semitism,” Buehler added.

The whole point already 2015 was... I created the Media Department, the flagship Publication Word from Jerusalem and the first ICEJ News Website, here with a screenshot from the Web Archive from 18.10.2000 (first entry 21.6.2000), with the cover of the Premier Edition from the Word from Jerusalem, I personally handed over to Ariel Sharon during the Feast of Tabernacles Sukkot 2000.
This Screenshot from an article in CharismaMag from 2.11.2016 (anniversary of the Balfour Declaration 2.11.1917 and the 2.11.1967 sun-eclipse) was printed out and is the center of the picture, which appeared in the NW article above from 30.8.2018, where presidential candidate Donald Trump made a sign-up at my friend Susan Michael in Washington DC, the director of the ICEJ branch in the USA.

As you can see in the picture of the NW article, two people are attached to the screenshot above - David Parsons and Malcolm Hedding.
“We are slowly being squeezed out of existence by the Interior Ministry,” David Parsons, vice president and senior spokesperson of the ICEJ told the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, which broke this story yesterday.
“We cannot continue our vital work to build global Christian support for Israel under these strict new rules,” Parsons added.
Aha... somehow Benjamin Netanjahu is made now responsible to get the ICEJ out of their misery, which is in direct connection to my personal case of (c) Ephraim in the ICEJ.

Many nations will come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.’ The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. Micah 4.2

I mean.. seriously... we put everything out and told everybody down to the dot, who is who in the book of the Apokalypse and especially who the "false prophet" and the expected "Antichrist" is.

The big issue here is, is the Torah correct, or the Roman invention and forced believe in the "Trinity", with the big problem, that the overall Marxists-Socialist secular global government with their corrupt politicians couldn't care less.

I do believe, that Obama and Mario Bergoglio know what their role as actors in the current European Theater are, while Dr. Jürgen Bühler is completely clueless, as reported by AllIsrael
“So, we are clueless and disappointed in this new change of policy in the Ministry of Interior and, of course, we hope this will be reversed to the previous mode of operation as soon as possible,” Buehler added.
It should be of a vital national interest of the State of Israel to reverse to the previous mode of operation, with Ulf Diebel as Media Director and content editor of the bullshit Malcolm Hedding, Dr. Jürgen Bühler and David Parsons regularly put out, although the participation of this leadership team is no longer required.
They have been already judged, as can be seen in the published article from 30.8.2018, a final verdict was issued on 6.9.2018 and sent with the rest of our Final Settlements as a tradable obligation to David De Rothschild together with payments for any debt.

The spiritual leadership of all Christian Zionist Organisations will be replaced by orthodox Jewish rabbis in full cooperation with Ulf Diebel aka (c) Ephraim, with the sole purpose of teaching the Nations the Torah from Zion, as agreed in our #NewDeal on Mount Zion on 4.5.2023 as advertised since 1.5.2018.

Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. Revelaion 14.1
Well... is "the lamb" a picture on an altar on Mount Zion, or the dude sitting between the brethren on Mount Zion?
Here is a message to the Germans like Woelki, Bühler, Schnabel and our left writer activist Burghard Hoeltzenbein from Mount Zion, Shavuot 25.5.2023 , which hasn't been posted before.
Shavuot is the feast of the weeks and according to the Torah the First Fruits Festival.
The issue with the first fruit is, that is these first ripe fruits of any kind, guarantee a huge harvest, when all fruit are ripened.
But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the assembly of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. Hebrews 12.22-23
It cannot get more literal then what we actually did on Mount Zion in line with the prophetic timeline of the Bible in relationship to Israel and Jerusalem.
We as the Nation of Ephraim organisation are the first fruits who guarantee a massive harvest of people from all nations for the harvest festival Sukkot.
23 years after the first Word from Jerusalem went out into the nations, the Prime Minister of Israel, the President of Israel, the Chief Rabbis of Israel, the current National Security Minister Ben Gvir, the Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich should have a personal interest to get the Trinity issue of the ICEJ out of their system, because the support of the Pro-Israel Christian Zionists and the Evangelicals in the USA are crucial for the public support of Israel on the world stage.
The ICEJ doesn't have any interest in making Ephraim a topic, as they live off the Trinity Fake News Department, but thank God, our jewish orthodox brethren do.

Rabbi Yosef Edery, founder of the Sanhedrin Initiative is fully informed about this 8 year going case with the ICEJ and broke the story on his Moshiach News Gobal blog https://www.mnglobal.org/post/what-is-going-on-at-the-international-christian-embassy-in-jerusalem
I urge all readers to make a stand for Zion, support the Sanhedrin Initiative and the liberation of Jerusalem from really dangerous "false prophets" for all Israel and the world, according to Deuteronomy 13.
You are invited to sign-up for our free TorahClub Social Community, where we learn together how to bring back the 12 tribe Kingdom of Israel to Jerusalem in cooperation with the orthodox Jewish leadership and the Sanhedrin.
Visit TorahClub.com
These are two very important points that are addressed:
Point One:
The big issue here is, is the Torah correct, or the Roman invention and forced believe in the "Trinity", with the big problem, that the overall Marxists-Socialist secular global government with their corrupt politicians couldn't care less.
Of course the Torah is correct
23 years after the first Word from Jerusalem went out into the nations, the Prime Minister of Israel, the President of Israel, the Chief Rabbis of Israel, the current National Security Minister Ben Gvir, the Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich should have a personal interest to get the Trinity issue of the ICEJ out of their system, because the support of the Pro-Israel Christian Zionists and the…