This years Theodor Herzl Award 2020 went to Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations.
As in the last years, the President of the World Jewish Congress Ronald Lauder handed out the award, here in 2018, with David de Rothschild from Paris and Jakob Rothschild from London, as well as Bob Kraft from the USA.
Ronald Lauder talks to the Jewish People of the World about Jewish Money
Before I urge you to listen to the words of WJC President Ronald Lauder, I would like to bring some very important issue to your attention. The Rothschilds were awarded for the "Redemption of Israel and the re-settlement of the Jewish People in their own homeland".
Without the redemption of the Son of Josef, there is no Israel
The letter to David De Rothschild was published in Ephraim's Briefe 31.10.2018 over two years ago, including the Final Settlement of Antonio Guterres from 2020, as well as Angela Merkel and Nikki Haley from 2019. On 11.5.2020 a full package of documentation of all work done as "Ephraim Priest of the Order Of Melchizedek" went to the Sanhedrin Supreme Court of 71.
Beginning 2015 I started out, to clear up a very personal issue with my friend Dr. Jürgen Bühler, since President of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem, (on the upper picture left 2013 in Berlin with my daughter Eliana Marie and right 2005 in Israel where David fought Goliath with my daughter Yael Eden *21.11.2004 in Jerusalem.) and I started to tell the Ephraim Story to my Hollywood Guru Democrat Liberal Hillary Supporter "Jewish Money" friend and parter Michael Jay Solomon first, with the intention to make a reality TV Show out of it.
On 20.1.2021 Michael will celebrate his 83rd B-Day - right on the day the term of Donald J Trump ends 12:00 noon and a new president will be sworn in on the Bible to uphold the constitution of the United States of America.
I am a Father to Israel and Ephraim is my firstborn Son - Jeremiah 31
Human Rights, or the Right of ONE Human e.g. one Jew, or one Non-Jew Ephraim is the Freedom of Religion. Award winner Antonio Guterres testifies up-to-date validity of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nation Resolution 217, accepted by the United States, the Holy See and the State of Israel, regardless of the personal faith and the morals of the elected official.
The Jewish Money Voice and Vote - according to Moses, Yehoshua, David or Marx, Horkheimer, Soros?
As of today November 10th, Joseph "sleepy creepy Joe" Biden is NOT the confirmed "president elect" and the election results contested by the ruling president Donald Trump, who has done more for Israel and the Jewish People than any other president of the United States of America.
Joe Biden, as well as Nancy Pelosi are Roman Catholics, serving the Socialist Jesuit Mario Bergoglio. Tons of Jewish Money went into the Coup Etat 2013 in Vatican City, when the international Left under Obama, Clinton and Soros exchanged the conservative German Pope & 7th King of Vatican with the 8th King of Vatican - Chapter 13 in the book of Revelation.
And They built an Image to the Beast
This upcoming 21st of November will be the 56th Anniversary of the Dogmatic Constitution LUMEN GENTIUM and the 16th birthday of my Daughter Yael Eden, I haven't seen for over 4 years now, because "somebody" has an "agenda".
Well.. #MeToo - clear up the Ephraim Fable in the ICEJ, bring Michael to make a #NewDeal with 10 (ten) Hollywood dudes, via Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin, and make the Fake Pope Mario to "Bring back the 12 Tribe Kingdom to Israel and build the Temple" and become living "King of the Jews" to end the rule of the Papacy once and for all, converting at least 2,5 billion Christian to pay their 10% offering to Jerusalem, the eternal Capital of the Jewish People, Ephraim and all Israel.
According to LAW & ORDER and the highest laws of the Roman Catholic Church incl. Lumen Gentium, "the Heir" as written in the DEI VERBUM - the Bibel, consisting of the Torah, the Hebrew Writings and Prophets (Tenach) and for the Christians also the New Testament - receives literally EVERYTHING - or as Lumen Gentium says: "all humanity and their possession" - as I said earlier - you cannot make this Sh`t up, you can only find out!